Showing all 22 Single Detached Foreclosed Properties

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Single Detached (22)
Row House (18)
Vacant Lot (6)
Single Attached (6)
Residential - With Improvement (4)
Row House - End with Firewall (3)
Lot Only (2)
Residential Vacant Lot (2)
Agricultural Lot (1)
Town House (1)

Naic (1727)
Cabuyao (1690)
Tanza (1231)
General Trias (1087)
Trece Martires (843)
Bula (657)
Quezon (615)
Maria (533)
Imus (532)
Baco (490)
Batan (486)
Marilao (484)
San Fernando (427)
Dasmarinas (414)
Rodriguez (394)
San Jose (388)
Mariveles (336)
Manila (324)
Santa Rosa (295)